Content updated 2018-12-27

If you have been subject to discrimination

Regardless of whether harassment is by students or employees, each education provider’s obligations to investigate and to implement measures apply to all forms of harassment arising in connection with providers activities. On condition that they affect the study situation, this can include situations arising outside the university.

If, as a student, you feel you are being subjected to abuse, we urge that you actively try to do something about the situation. It is hoped that the points below provide support. Never hesitate to contact an employee if you feel you are being subjected to abuse!

Write down what has happened. This makes it easier to process and document the events.

Make notes of: the date; the time; any witnesses; what the harassing/discriminating person said and did; and, how you felt and reacted. Act as rapidly as possible.

Tell someone you trust what has happened. Keep an ear open for whether more individuals in your study environment have been subjected to abuse. Pay special attention to whether the abuse/violation can be linked to gender, ethnicity, religious belief, sexual orientation, gender identity, age or disability.

Contact your programme/course coordinator, study counsellor, equal opportunities coordinator, Student Health Care or the student’s union for advice. Under the Discrimination Act, you are entitled to require measures to be implemented.

Report what happened (if you feel the event should be formally investigated). You can submit a written report to the OLIK at your school.

You can also choose to submit a report directly to the Equality Ombudsman (who will ensure compliance with the Act).

What you can do as a fellow student

Pay attention to your fellow students’ reactions.

Dare to ask if you are wondering about anything that has happened.

Listen when someone wants to tell you how he or she feels. Take the time that is needed.

See things from the abused person’s perspective and be seriously open to what you are told.

For advice or support, contact Student Health Care or another university employee in whom you have confidence.

Jönköping University (JU) recommends that anyone who feels they have been subjected to such abuse should contact the Equal opportunity coordinator or contact a person in JU whom they trust and feel confident in. The Coordinator can provide insights and assist you in writing your report.

In the initial phase, discussion and support are important. These can be most rapidly provided within the framework of an informal dialogue.

Additionally, both before and during the investigation, it is possible to contact the Student Health Care for support.

Report and investigation

If a student who feels abused chooses to make a formal complaint of discrimination, harassment or sexual harassment, this shall be done in writing.

  • Firstly, a written complaint of discrimination Word, 80.5 kB., harassment or sexual harassment is to be submitted to the Equal Opportuniy Coordinator.
  • The Coordinator is responsible for registering the complaint. This makes the complaint a public document.
  • The Coordinator hands the report over to JU’s discrimination investigator.
    • The discrimination investigator is in charge of the investigation. This must start immediately and be professional and impartial.
    • Both sides shall be given the opportunity to submit written opinions and to receive all the documents.
      • When the investigation has finished, the discrimination investigator is to draw up a written report and present the case for a decision. A decision is to be made by the dean of the school or University Services where the reported person is employed/engaged or by the dean of the reported student’s school.
      • If the decision is that there was no discrimination, harassment or sexual harassment, the case is to be dismissed.
      • If, on the other hand, the decision is that there was a transgression, the report shall set out the measure or measures that is or are to be implemented.
      • Said measure(s) shall be aimed at preventing future transgression. This may be a question of implementing employment law measures against a JU employee or terminating a contract with a person working on an assignment. It may also be a question of submitting a report to the Disciplinary Committee (DAN) for further investigation and any decisions on disciplinary measures against a student.

      The person who has reported discrimination or has called attention to an education provider breaching the Act (e.g. by not actively preventing harassment) has legal protection against punishment (i.e. being subjected to reprisals). This protection applies even when the person has participated in a Discrimination Act investigation or repulsed or given in to harassment or sexual harassment.

      Examples of reprisals include lower grades, harassment in teaching, threats of violence and other unfair or disadvantageous treatment.