Patients and professionals working together to coproduce health
ICoHN is a collaborative learning system to support existing and new communities of practice, with an overarching goal of improving health. This network has three aims:
- to discover and explore the meaning and application of the idea of service coproduction in diverse sectors of the social and health system,
- to pilot these emerging insights in real professional development, research, service and community settings, and
- to share lessons learned to promote “cross-fertilization” and further dissemination of improvements and innovations

ICoHN is committed to sharing lessons learned and to disseminating improvements and innovation, now also in podcast format.
The Power of Coproduction is the first podcast series produced by the network: Paul Batalden discusses health care services and how to achieve better health through mutual respect, collaboration, and science-informed practices with a host of international guests.
Eight voices about SPARK.
The movie is in Swedish.
Communities of Practice
Health Professional Development
Learning how to coproduce healthcare services.
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Health System Leaders
Using coproduction principles to meet a strategic priority within each participating healthcare organization.
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Value Creating Business Model
Develop a business model for value creation from coproduced healthcare services.
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The theme for the 2024 conference is 'Health for People and Planet: Building Bridges to a Sustainable Future'.
ISQua and ICoHN have made an agreement on collaboration to promote coproduction - knowledge development from practice and research. ICoHN...
The International Journal for Quality in Healthcare published a coproduction-focused supplement in its November 2021 issue.
The School of Health and Welfare at Jönköping University in Sweden runs a flexible, online distance course on co-production in health and...