Need help finding a job?
Jönköping University’s Career Center helps students with their job hunting, networking, writing applications and more! Register now for their spring lectures in March.
Register to all lectures via ju.jobteaser.com
Lunch is offered to registered participants.
Job hunting and networking
How to find jobs and how to use and grow your network during your time as a student.
When and where
Monday 27 March at 12:15-13:00
Hb116, School of Education and Communication
Write a winning job application
Information about CV & cover letters.
When and where
Tuesday 28 March 12:15-13:00
Hb116, School of Education and Communication
Nailing the job interview
Information about common interview questions and how you should prepare yourself.
When and where
Thursday 30 March at 12:15-13:00
Hc113, School of Education and Communication