LIVE Webinar: Dr. Paola Sartoretto speaks about the Master's in Sustainable Communication

2024-02-15 15:00 - 16:00 GMT +1:00 (Convert timezone)

Sustainable Communication: In a time where anthropogenic climate change threatens some of the conditions we depend on, and where inequality and armed conflicts remain global problems, the need for relevant communication on global sustainability becomes urgent.

The program is designed to focus on the relationship between media and communication and the environmental, social, and economic dimensions of sustainability. The teaching/education is closely connected to the research environment of JU, which has been published extensively in areas such as environmental communication, global journalism, transmedia storytelling, and communication for development.

The programme includes a 5-week internship. As a student, you are free to choose/arrange an internship yourself, but the University also arranges an internship through a close collaboration with The Climate Council in Jönköping, where many companies and organizations work together for a better climate.

Don't miss this opportunity to make an application (admissions are still open) and get a first-rate education, new experiences, and new avenues to grow your career!

Don't miss this opportunity to learn about the programme and get first-hand experience to grow your career!

Read More About the programme hereExternal link, opens in new window.


When: Feb 15, 2024 03:00 PM Stockholm

Where: Join us here on Zoom Live

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