LIVE Webinar: Dr. Ingela Bergmo Prvulovic will talk about the Master's in Socially Sustainable Working Life

2024-02-12 15:30 - 16:30 GMT +1:00 (Convert timezone)

In a world that is constantly changing, today's working life faces exciting challenges. Digitalisation and globalisation are creating new ways for us to work and collaborate. In this rapid change, continuous learning is a key aspect to creating equal and inclusive working environments where people thrive and develop. Leadership and strategies need to be adapted to support individuals' career development and lifelong learning.

This programme is designed for you with a bachelor’s degree in education or social sciences with experience from, or interest in, working in areas such as HR, leadership, or career guidance. The programme focuses on social sustainability and the shared responsibility between education and the world of work to create a socially sustainable future. Through collaboration, we can shape a future where all parties contribute to long-term sustainable working environments.

The programme covers topics such as the changing working life, career guidance counselling, learning, innovative leadership, and ethics. We explore how to shape tomorrow's socially sustainable and just working places by examining the conditions, roles and contributions of different actors. You will learn how to design for learning that promotes equity and social sustainability and gain a deeper understanding of the importance of learning and the role the content of learning play in different contexts.

The programme is designed for you who share an interest in developing professionals at all stages of their careers, independent of roles and positions, and in facilitating businesses or organisations’ working methods for promoting a socially sustainable working life. By developing your critical thinking and practical skills, the programme provides you with the tools required to influence policy, implement sustainable strategies, and create long-term change in people’s professional everyday life.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn about the programme and get first-hand experience to grow your career!

Read More About the programme here.


When: Feb 12, 2024 03:00 PM Stockholm

Where: Join us here on Zoom Live

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