LIVE Webinar: Your Pathway to studying at BI - Norwegian Business School ✨

2022-02-24 15:00 GMT +1:00 (Convert timezone)

Jönköping University (JU) offers Pathway Programmes for international students who need to deepen their skills in language, mathematics and/or science in order to meet the requirements for studies at BI. The Pathway Programmes are designed to improve your skills and proficiency in English, mathematics or other subjects. The curriculum enables our students to reach their full academic and social potential and begin their education at BI.

BI Norwegian Business School is Norway’s leading business school and the second largest in Europe. Through this partnership with Jonkoping University, students can complete the qualifying year required for entry into our three-year bachelor’s degrees. The emphasis during the Pathway Year is building a solid academic foundation for success in business studies and becoming familiar with Scandinavian life and culture. For those who need it, the course will improve your English competency and proficiency.

You will spend one year in Sweden and then three years in Norway on your pathway to a bachelor’s degree from the #1 business school in Norway *.

Join us to find out more about studying in Norway, our bachelor’s degree options, and what BI Norwegian Business School has to offer.

*according to the Financial Times ranking of European business schools

For more info write to us at

When: 24th February, 2022 @ 1500 Sweden Time

Where: ZOOM

Questions? Contact us