News archive

  • JU students broadcast live for 36 hours to raise money for Music Aid

    Liam Tidblom, Eric Stenqvist, Albin Ekström och Mimmi Alexandersson This year's Radio K Bryr Sig (RKBS) event kicks off on the morning of 3 December and they will be broadcasting live until 22:00 on 4 December. The students are broadcasting in support of this year's Music Aid (Musikhjälpen) theme, “Everyone has the right to survive their pregnancy”.
  • One of Europe's top business schools is in Jönköping

    Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) solidifies its position as one of Europe’s top business education institutions. In this year's Financial Times (FT) European Business School Ranking, JIBS maintains its spot on the list for the fourth consecutive year and climbs another eight places to an impressive 74th position. This upward trend highlights the school's continued development and high quality.