News archive

  • Young Female Leader of the Year award 2024

    Fanny Arvidssom The winner of the Young Female Leader of the Year award in Jönköping County was announced at Science Park Towers on 6 March. Among 142 nominees, the jury selected 20 finalists, and finally Fanny Arvidsson, Warehouse / logistics manager, Spobik, was announced as the winner of the award.
  • Rektor Måns Svensson föreläste på JU LIVE

    On Thursday 27 February, Måns Svensson, President of Jönköping University (JU) and Professor of Sociology of Law at the School of Health and Welfare presented in the spring semester's edition of the lecture series JU LIVE. About 60 people gathered in the JMW hall at the library to take part in the lecture, which focused on, among other things, how people follow laws.
  • Expanded cooperation with Junior Achievement

    Junior Achievement. Jönköping University (JU) is a new partner to Junior Achievement (JA) in Jönköping County and can thus reach out to creative young people in the county in a more strategic way.“We are very pleased that JU has chosen to expand its partnership with us,” says Jelena Trupina, Regional Manager for Junior Achievement (JA) in Jönköping County.
  • Cast your vote - nominate an Alumni of the Year

    Christian Farman Every year in October, Jönköping University (JU) organises the Alumni of the Year ceremony where former students of the university are awarded. The prize is awarded to alumni who have made outstanding contributions in their professional roles or as individuals. Nominations for 2025 are now open.
  • Record number of exhibitors at this year's Nextstep

    Nextstep On Tuesday 25 February, the annual Nextstep career fair was held at Campus Arena at Jönköping University (JU). With 41 exhibitors, interactive workshops and face-to-face conversations, the event was once again an important meeting place for students and companies to discuss job and career opportunities.
  • Great interest in JU's higher education fair

    Fair at Campus Arena. About 2,000 upper high school students visited JU's higher education fair (Framtidsmässan) in Campus Arena at Jönköping University (JU) on 18 February."If I live in Jönköping, it feels natural to study at JU," says Wilma Lindgren, who is studying the economics programme at Erik Dahlbergsgymnasiet in Jönköping.
  • Grants for research to promote elderly health

    The Aktiestinsen Scholarship Fund is awarded annually at the School of Health and Welfare, Jönköping University, to projects that promote development work and research on health promotion for the elderly. The 2024 award was a total of SEK 607,500 and the money went to four projects that were presented during a ceremony on 6 February.

  • Students depict design history at furniture fair

    JTH-students at Stockholm Furniture Fair. Classic eras in design history was the theme of the furniture that students at the School of Engineering (JTH) at Jönköping University (JU) have made and exhibited at the Stockholm Furniture Fair, 4-8 February. “We received so much positive feedback during the fair,” says the JTH student Annie Reinard.
  • Several JU alumni nominated for Young Female Leader of the Year

    Nominerade till Årets unga ledande kvinna For the tenth year in a row, the Young Female Leader of the Year in Jönköping County will be announced. The selection process to choose the 2024 nominees is now complete. 20 women have now been selected out of 216 original nominees, several of whom are alumni from Jönköping University (JU).
  • Welcome Home Mingle - students evaluated their semester abroad

    On 4 February, a "Welcome Home Mingle" was arranged for the first time in the University Library at Jönköping University (JU), for students who have been on a semester abroad during the autumn semester. The purpose of the mingle was to let students talk about their experiences from studying abroad and get the opportunity to give feedback on what they think the process was like, from submitting the application to being abroad.