Jönköping AI Lab – JAIL

The Department of Computing hosts the Jönköping AI Lab (JAIL), which is found on Twitter as @JonkopingAI.

JAIL's core competencies include:

  • Machine Learning
  • Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
  • Ontologies and the Semantic Web
  • Visualization and Human-Computer Interaction
  • Explainable AI

We apply these competencies within several domains, including:

  • Retain
  • Production industry
  • Security and defence
  • Healthcare
  • Smart buildings and connected cities
  • Agriculture and forestry
  • AI transformation for business, and the organizational consequences thereof
  • Sports analytics

Department of Computing

  • Senior Advisor
  • School of Engineering

Ongoing Research Projects

We work in close proxmity to businesses, creating both novel scientific results and solutions to our partners' important practical challenges. These collaborations are typically framed within 2-4 year research projects, including:


Completed Research Projects

  • Building Knowledge – Projektet syftade till att utveckla teknik för att beskriva och arbeta med kunskapsgrafer i smarta byggnader, t.ex. för att beskriva byggnadens struktur, sensorer, parter som verkar i byggnaden, etc., Dessa grafer kan sedan användas för analys, styrning, datautbyte, etc. Projektpartners: Vasakronan, Akademiska Hus, Willhem, Idun Real Estate Solutions. Budget: 4 MSEK
  • EXplAIn
41 Publications

Article (refereed)