
The Knowledge Foundation grants SEK 10 million to the research project "Mission 0" at the School of Engineering (JTH) at Jönköping University (JU), which is done together with the car company Polestar. Photo: Polestar.

Research project with Polestar to remove carbon footprint

The School of Engineering (JTH) at Jönköping University (JU) is awarded SEK 10 million from the Knowledge Foundation for the research project "Mission 0". The project's aim is to help remove the climate footprint from material and product manufacturing in the metal industry. The research is done in collaboration with the car company Polestar.


JTH together with its partners in the research project "Mission 0 House", will use the money from the Knowledge Foundation to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions.

"Mission 0" is part of the larger initiative "Mission 0 House" which includes JTH together with the University of Borås, University West, Karlstad University and Mid Sweden University. The universities in "Mission 0 House" are awarded SEK 10 million each by the Knowledge Foundation to remove the climate footprint of industrial production of metals, textiles, and bio-based polymers and chemicals. In addition to Polestar, the companies participating in the project are Borgstena, Sekab and SSAB.

Leading players

"Mission 0 House" is an innovative initiative where leading players in different parts of the materials and manufacturing industry share a common ambition to be pioneers in the work of eliminating future greenhouse gas emissions.

"To be involved in doing away with climate impact in this way is incredibly exciting, especially working together with Polestar Performance AB, which is responsible for the project management of "Mission 0 House". It puts JU and JTH on the map when it comes to environmental work that goes beyond electrification. "Reducing the climate impact of materials, and in our case metal materials, is a major challenge," says Anders Jarfors, Professor of Materials and Manufacturing - Casting at JTH.

"New business with a strong base"

The SEK 10 million from the Knowledge Foundation will be used to sponsor two Post Docs at JTH in the Department of Materials and Manufacturing who will be working with activities in a new area for JTH.

"The money makes it possible to start building a new activity that has a strong base in what we already do. At JTH, we already work in a circular way, but the bigger challenge is to influence the climate footprint upstream. It is no longer just about component manufacturing, but now we are taking a holistic approach including the raw material production of the materials used. This is exactly what we are going to do and we are excited to really take on a new area and make an impact. There is a strong will, enthusiasm and drive among all of us who work in both "Mission 0" and "Mission 0 House", says Anders Jarfors.
