Susanne Hertz

Professor emerita företagsekonomi
Företagsekonomi , Jönköping International Business School
Ekonomie doktor
För en presentation av Susanne Hertz, se engelska presentationsidan.


Borgstrom, B., Hertz, S., Jensen, L., Kaneberg, E. (2022). Third-party logistics providers’ strategic development in Sweden: Learning from a crisis Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management, 16, 1-12. More information
Kaneberg, E., Rico-Cortez, M., Hertz, S., Jensen, L., Sandoval-Pineda, J., Gonzalez-Huerta, R. (2022). Hydrogen technology for supply chain sustainability: The Mexican transportation impacts on society International journal of hydrogen energy, 47(70), 29999-30011. More information
Borgström, B., Hertz, S., Jensen, L. (2021). Strategic development of third-party logistics providers (TPLs): “Going under the floor” or “raising the roof”? Industrial Marketing Management, 97, 183-192. More information
Kaneberg, E., Jensen, L., Hertz, S. (2021). Managing network responsiveness in emergency preparedness supply chains for safety and security in developed nations Revista Científica General José María Córdova (Colombian Journal of Military and Strategic Studies), 19(34), 453-477. More information
Cui, L., Su, S., Feng, Y., Hertz, S. (2019). Causal or effectual? Dynamics of decision making logics in servitization Industrial Marketing Management, 82, 15-26. More information
Kaneberg, E., Hertz, S., Jensen, L. (2019). Voluntary defense networks in emergency preparedness in developed countries: the case of Sweden [Redes de defensa voluntarias en preparación ante emergencias en países desarrollados: el caso de Suecia] Revista Científica General José María Córdova, 17(26), 229-250. More information
Kaneberg, E., Hertz, S., Jensen, L. (2017). Voluntary sector networks in emergency preparedness in developed countries: the case of Sweden Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management. More information
Su, S., Cui, L., Hertz, S. (2017). Assessing the performance-based logistics service model for Taiwan's heavy vehicle supply chains Transportation journal, 56(1), 77-103. More information
Jensen, L., Hertz, S. (2016). The coordination roles of relief organisations in humanitarian logistics International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 19(5), 465-485. More information
Kaneberg, E., Hertz, S., Jensen, L. (2016). Emergency preparedness planning in developed countries: the Swedish case Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 6(2), 145-172. More information
Pereseina, V., Jensen, L., Hertz, S., Cui, L. (2014). Challenges and Conflicts in Sustainable Supply Chain Management: Evidence from the Heavy Vehicle Industry Supply Chain Forum: an International Journal, 15(1), 22-32. More information
Cui, L., Su, S., Hertz, S. (2012). Logistics Innovation in China Transportation journal, 51(1), 98-117. More information
Hultman, J., Johnsen, T., Johnsen, R., Hertz, S. (2012). An interaction approach to global sourcing: A case study of IKEA Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 18(1), 9-21. More information
Hultman, J., Hertz, S. (2011). Exploring the dynamics of global sourcing development over time: The case of IKEA The International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 6(2), 109-126. More information
Cui, L., Hertz, S. (2011). Networks and capabilities as characteristics of logistics firms Industrial Marketing Management, 40(6), 1004-1011. More information
Borgström, B., Hertz, S. (2011). Supply chain strategies: Changes in customer order-based production Journal of Business Logistics, 32(4), 361-373. More information
Borgström, B., Hertz, S. (2010). Enacting outsourcing: An innovation process perspective Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management, 4(1), 1-21. More information
Cui, L., Hertz, S., Su, S. (2010). Innovation in an international third party logistics firm: a strategy-as-practice perspective Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management, 4(1), 69-88. More information
Borgström, B., Hertz, S. (2007). Power issues when integrating supply chains Finanza Marketing e Produzione (Financing, Marketing and Production), XXV(1). More information
Hertz, S., Macquet, M. (2006). Creation of efficiency and effectiveness by coordinating customers' activities and strategies of TPL firms Publication of Turku School of Economics and Business Administration. More information
Hertz, S. (2006). Supply Chain Myopia and Overlapping Supply Chains Journal of business & industrial marketing, 21(4), 208-217. More information
Hertz, S., Mattsson, L. (2004). Collective competition and the dynamics of market reconfiguration Scandinavian Journal of Management, 20(1-2), 31-51. More information
Hertz, S., Alfredsson, M. (2003). Strategic development of third party logistics providers Industrial Marketing Management, 32(2), 139-149. More information
Hertz, S., Vilgon, M. (2003). The Burden of Key Customer relationships Journal of Customer Behavior, 2(2). More information
Hertz, S. (2001). Dynamics of alliances in highly integrated supply chain networks International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications, 4(2), 237-256. More information
Hertz, S., Johansson, J., de Jager, F. (2001). Customer‐oriented cost cutting: process management at Volvo Supply chain management, 6(3), 128-141. More information
Hertz, S. (1996). The dynamics of international strategic alliances: A study of freight transport companies International Studies of Management and Organization, 26(2), 104-130. More information
Hertz, S. (1992). El proceso de internacionalización de las compañías de transporte Economica Industrial, 119-123. More information


Andersson, P., Hertz, S. (2003). Nya perspektiv på distributionens omvandling?. Stockholm: Torsten och Ragnar Söderbergs stiftelse More information


Jafari, H., Nyberg, A., Hertz, S. (2012). Postponement in Retail Supply Chain Management: A Systematic Literature Review. In: J. Hagberg, U. Holmberg, M. Sundström & L. Walter (Ed.), Nordic Retailing Research - Emerging Diversity (pp. 173 -194). Gothenburg: Bokförlaget BAS More information
Hertz, S., Hultman, J. (2008). On global supply chain development. In: Jan Stentoft Arlbjørn, Árni Halldórsson, Marianne Jahre, Karen Spens (Ed.), Northern Lights in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (pp. 267 -282). Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press More information
Borgström, B., Hertz, S. (2008). Kundorderstyrning: Ett förvånansvärt trubbigt verktyg. In: Marknadsorientering: myter och möjligheter Malmö: Liber More information
Borgström, B., Cui, L., Hertz, S. (2008). Implications of offshoring: Co-development of sourcing and marketing. In: René de Koster (Ed.), Recent developments in supply chain management (pp. 41 -62). More information
Borgström, B., Hertz, S. (2007). Implications of supply chain monitoring. In: Managing Supply Chains: Challenges and Opportunities (pp. 27 -58). Frederiksberg: Copenhagen Business School Press More information
Hertz, S., Macquet, M. (2006). Customer coordination as a base for Third Party Logistics Providers effectivess and efficiency. In: Lauri Ojala and Pia Jämsä (Ed.), Third Party Logistics Finnish and Swedish Experiences Turku: Turku School of Economics More information


Agndal, H., Borgström, B., Hertz, S., Jensen, L., Pereseina, V., Cui, L. (2015). Market innovation in the transport and heavy vehicle market. NOFOMA 2015. More information
Jensen, L., Hertz, S. (2012). Phases of coordination in humanitarian logistics. 24th NOFOMA Conference, 7-8 June, 2012, Åbo, Finland. More information
Hertz, S., Jensen, L. (2012). The Coordination Roles of Relief Organisations in Humanitarian Logistics. IMP Asia 2012. More information
Jafari, H., Nyberg, A., Hertz, S. (2012). Application of Postponement in Retailing - Connections to Logistics Flexibility. Vienna 19th International Conference on Retailing and Consumer Services Science. More information
Hertz, S., Jensen, L., Agndal, H., Pereseina, V., Borgström, B. (2012). The development of extended service models through business relationships: A Swedish trucking industry study. 21st annual IPSERA conference: purchasing & supply chain management in a changing world. Naples, Italy, 1-4 April 2012. More information
Borgström, B., Arujo, L., Hertz, S. (2011). Who is the customer?: On the nature of customer representation in supply chains. The 27th Annual IMP Conference, Glasgow, 1-3 September 2011. More information
Su, S., Hertz, S., Cui, L. (2011). Developing a conceptual framework for logistics innovation at 3PL firms - A case study approach. POMS 22nd Annual Conference, Reno, Nevada. More information
Jensen, L., Hertz, S. (2011). Outsourcing to TPL firms: Present customers as a decision criteria. The 27th Annual IMP Conference, Glasgow, 1-3 September 2011. More information
Cui, L., Hertz, S. (2011). Development of interaction capability at logistics firm. The 27th IMP Conference, 1-3 September 2011, Glasgow, Scotland. More information
Jafari, H., Nyberg, A., Hertz, S. (2011). Recapturing the Trends in the Application of Postponement in Retail Supply Chain Management. 8th CEMS Research Seminar on Supply Chain Management, January 26-30 2011, Riezlern, Austria. More information
Jafari, H., Nyberg, A., Hertz, S. (2011). Application of Postponement in Retailing: A Cross-Case Analysis of Major European Retailers. The 23rd NOFOMA conference, Harstad, Norway, June 9-10, 2011. More information
Jensen, L., Hertz, S. (2011). Outsourcing to TPL firms: Present customers as a decision criteria. The 20th Annual IPSERA Conference, 10-13 April 2011, Maastricht, the Netherlands. More information
Fridriksson, H., Hertz, S. (2010). Integration in supply chains in humanitarian Logistics: A case of Post-Election crisis in Kenya. 22nd Nofoma Conference in Kolding 10-11 June. More information
Cui, L., Hertz, S., Su, S. (2010). Factors influencing logistics innovation at logistics firms. 22nd NOFOMA Conference, 10-11 June 2010, Kolding Denmark. More information
Hertz, S., Cui, L. (2010). Competence and network development of logistics firms. The 22nd NOFOMA Conference, 10-12 June, 2010, Kolding, Denmark. More information
Cui, L., Su, S., Hertz, S. (2010). Logistics Innovation in China. GCSCL 2010 International Conference on Greater China Supply Chain and Logistics, Chengdu. More information
Borgström, B., Hertz, S., Cui, L. (2010). A critical evaluation of service innovation processes. 26th IMP Conference, Budapest, 2-4 September 2010. More information
Cui, L., Hertz, S. (2010). Network Development of Logistics Firms. The 26th IMP Conference, Budapest, 2-4 September 2010. More information
Jafari, H., Nyberg, A., Hertz, S. (2010). Adjusting Classic Marketing Lenses on Retail Supply Chain Management: Revisiting Postponement and Speculation. The Nordic Retail and Wholesale Conference, Göteborg, 10-11 November, 2010. More information
Jafari, H., Nyberg, A., Hertz, S., Fridriksson, H. (2010). Postponement in Retailing? Seeking a Connection. The 22nd NOFOMA Conference, 10-12 June, 2010, Kolding, Denmark. More information
Borgström, B., Hertz, S., Nyberg, A. (2010). A Market Driven Vs. A Market Driving Grocery Supply Chain: Problems And Opportunities With Integration. 10th Annual EURAM Conference "Back to the Future", May 19-22, 2010, Tor Vergata University, Rome, Italy. More information
Hultman, j., Johnson, T., Naldi, L., Hertz, S. (2010). The effects on supplier integration under different market dynamism. 22 Nofoma Conference in Kolding 10-11 June. More information
Cui, L., Su, S., Hertz, S. (2009). Analysis of influencing factors on logistics innovation at third party logistics firms: An International Study. The 21th NOFOMA conference, Jönköping, Sweden, June 11-12, 2009. More information
Hultman, J., Hertz, S., Johnsen, R., Johnsen, T. (2009). Global Sourcing development at IKEA: A case study. the 25th IMP-conference in Marseille, France, 2009. More information
Cui, L., Hertz, S., Su, S. (2009). Innovation and new service development in regional third party logistics firms. 18th IPSERA conference Supply Management – Towards an Academic Discipline? 5 – 8 April 2009. More information
Borgström, B., Hertz, S. (2009). Challenges in customer order based production. the 21st NOFOMA Conference 2009. More information
Cui, L., Su, S., Hertz, S. (2008). How do regional third-party logistics firms innovate? A case study of TPL firms in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Sweden. International Conference on Greater China Supply Chain and Logistics (GCSCL2008), 29-30 November 2008, Venue of Conference Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan. More information
Borgström, B., Hertz, S., Nyberg, A. (2008). Integrating the grocery supply chain: Problems and opportunities. CeLS Workshop on Global Retail Supply Chain and Marketing Innovation, Jönköping, Sweden, May 15-16 2008. More information
Borgström, B., Hertz, S. (2008). Strategizing in industrial networks: Fallacies of customer order based production. 24th Annual IMP Conference, September 4-6, 2008, Uppsala University, Sweden. More information
Borgström, B., Hetrz, S., Nyberg, A. (2008). Entry strategy and international retail operations. The 1st Nordic Retail and Wholesale Conference. More information
Hultman, J., Hertz, S. (2008). International retail sourcing development: the case of IKEA. The 1st Nordic Retail and Wholesale Conference. More information
Hultman, J., Hertz, S. (2008). Challenges of global supply chain development: the case of IKEA. CeLS Workshop on Global Retail Supply Chain and Marketing Innovation, Jönköping, Sweden, May 15-16 2008. More information
Borgström, B., Hertz, S. (2008). Challenges in customer order based production. 20th NOFOMA Anniversary conference, Beyond Business Logistics, June 5-6, 2008 Helsinki, Finland. More information
Johnson, T., Johnson, R., Hertz, S. (2007). Supply Chain Internationalisation: Towards a Conceptual Framework. 20th NOFOMA Anniversary conference, Beyond Business Logistics, June 5-6, 2008 Helsinki, Finland. More information
Borgström, B., Hertz, S., Nyberg, A. (2007). A tale of two entries - How Netto and Lidl entered the Swedish Grocery Market. 20th NOFOMA Anniversary conference, Beyond Business Logistics, June 5-6, 2008 Helsinki, Finland. More information
Borgström, B., Cui, L., Hertz, S. (2007). From Global outsourcing/ sourcing to glocal or local. 20th NOFOMA Anniversary conference, Beyond Business Logistics, June 5-6, 2008 Helsinki, Finland. More information
Fridriksson, H., Naldi, L., Hertz, S. (2007). Collaboration in Global supply chains - a knowledge sharing perspective. Nofoma, Rejkavik. More information
Hertz, S., Mattsson, L. (2006). Do Networks Effects of Mergers and Acquisitions differ from those of Strategic Alliances. Nofoma, Rejkavik. More information
Borgström, B., Hertz, S. (2006). Power issues when integrating supply chains. Nofoma, Rejkavik. More information
Borgström, B., Hertz, S. (2006). Implications of Power in Supply Chains. Nofoma, Rejkavik. More information
Borgström, B., Hertz, S. (2006). Implications of Offshoring. Nofoma, Rejkavik. More information
Borgström, B., Hertz, S. (2006). Power Issues when Integrating Supply Chains. Nofoma, Rejkavik. More information
Borgström, B., Cui, L., Hertz, S., Naldi, L., Fridriksson, H. (2006). What do we know about global supply chain development?: A review and a synthesis of the literature on supply chain management and international business. Nofoma, Rejkavik. More information
Dembower, M., Hertz, S., Mattsson, L. (2005). Entrepreneurs acting in networks: Small passanger airlines in Sweden after deregulation. Nofoma, Rejkavik. More information
Hertz, S., Hultman, J. (2005). Business as Usual?: An investigation of the Real Outcome of Two Reverse E-auctions in Swedish Automotive Industry. Nofoma, Rejkavik. More information
Hultman, J., Hertz, S., Borgström, B. (2005). Challenges in the creation of supply chain transparency. NOFOMA. More information
Borgström, B., Hertz, S., Hultman, J. (2005). Reengineering B2B relations through Supply Chain Monitoring. NOFOMA. More information
Dembower, M., Hertz, S., Mattsson, L. (2004). Small Firms on a Deregulated Market- Dynamics of Entrepreneurship and Network Dependence in the Airline Industry in Sweden. NOFOMA. More information
Hertz, S., Hultman, J. (2004). Network Position and E-auctions: An Exploratory Case Study of Conflicting Interests between Transactional and relational Orientation. NOFOMA. More information
Borgström, B., Hertz, S. (2003). ICT's Role for SMEs integration in supply chains - efficiency and effectiveness?. IMP. More information
Borgström, B., Hertz, S. (2003). ICT's Role for SMEs integration in Supply Chains. IMP. More information
Borgström, B., Hertz, S. (2003). Is ICT development a constraint or opportunity for SMEs in the Supply Chains. IMP. More information
Hertz, S., Mattsson, L. (2002). Collective Competition and the Dynamics of Market Restructuring: Local vs Global. IMP. More information
Hertz, S. (2002). The Restraints and Opportunities of Change of Overlapping Supply Chain Networks. IMP. More information


Jafari, H., Nyberg, A., Hertz, S., Borgström, B. (2012). Increased Flexibility in Retail Supply Chains through Postponement. Jönköping: Jönköping international business school More information


(2010). Special Issue: Selected papers from the 21st NOFOMA Conference 2009: International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 2010, Vol. 40(4). More information
(2005). Perspectives on Market Networks: Boundaries and new connections. Stockholm: Ekonomiska forskningsinstitutet vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm More information

Proceedings (redaktörskap)

Hertz, S., Hultman, J., Wikner, J. (Eds.). (2010). International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management: Special Issue: Selected papers from the 21st NOFOMA Conference 2009. More information