Joakim Netz

Universitetslektor Arbetsorganisation
Teknologie doktor

Joakim is Assistant Professor at Jönköping University, School of Engineering, and Visiting Scholar at Chalmers University of Technology, Division of Innovation and R&D Management. His research interests concern strategic renewal processes and innovation triggered by societal crises and the challenges it imply for managers in high-tech corporate contexts, public organizations, civil society organizations, and cross-sectorial ventures. 

The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences included Joakim's research to its annual 100 List during 2021, and his research has been utilized by OECD as well as the Swedish Government. His research has been published in journals such as Long Range Planning, R&D Management, Creativity and Innovation Management Journal, and the Royal Swedish Academy of War Sciences Journal, in book chapters, policy research reports, and is regularly presented at international conferences. Joakim has been awarded several best paper awards (EURAM 2011, SMS 2013, LAEMOS 2018, SMS 2019), outstanding reviewer awards (AoM 2016, 2017, 2018; SMS 2018, 2022), postdoctoral research grants' from the American-Scandinavian Foundation and the Handelsbanken Hedelius Foundation, and his dissertation received the IMIT-prize in Sweden. 

During his postdoctoral studies 2013-2018, Joakim worked as Visiting Scholar in Stern School of Business at New York University, Visiting Assistant Professor in Stockholm Business School at Stockholm University, and Senior Researcher at the Swedish Defense Research Institute (FOI) where he conducted empirical studies including ethnografic research inside the military headquarter. Joakim holds a PhD in industrial engineering and organization, master degrees' in business administration (MBA) and applied psychology (MSc), and a research leadership diploma (EFMD). Currently he serves as a Global Representative of the Strategy Process Interest Group, SMS – Strategic Management Society with 3,000 members representing more than 80 different countries. 


Current research projects:

Transformation of capability development within the Swedish police, 2024-2025, a joint project with the IMIT foundation and Stockholm School of Economics, funded by the Swedish Police, Department of National Operations – NOA.

Innovation Lab for Sustainable Preparedness in Food Supply, 2022-2025, a joint project with Chalmers, Stockholm School of Economics, Swedish Defense University, and RISE, funded by FORMAS.

FINEST - Food Innovation for Sustainable System Transition, 2021-2024, a joint project by RISE, Chalmers, Uppsala University, and 16 partners from the food industry and regions, funded by FORMAS.


Recently completed research projects:

Digital Transformation of Church and Cross-border Strategy Work, 2021-2024, funded by VINNOVA. 

Leadership and Entrepreneurship in Småland (LEIS), 2020-2023, a joint project with Linneuas University, funded by the European Regional Development Fund, Swedish Growth Agency, Region Kronoberg, Region Kalmar, and the Kamprad Foundation. 

The Role of Business Firms' in Fast Capability Development for Resilient Civil Defence, 2020-2021, funded by MSB.


Current teaching responsibility:

MMS265 Project Management, Chalmers University of Technology.


Netz, J., Reinmoeller, P., Axelsson, M. (2022). Crisis-driven Innovation of Products New to Firms: The Sensitization Response to COVID-19 R&D Management, 52(2), 407-426. More information
Netz, J., Svensson, M., Brundin, E. (2020). Business disruptions and affective reactions: A strategy-as-practice perspective on fast strategic decision making Long range planning, 53(5). More information
Netz, J. (2019). Värdekonstellationer: En tillväxtmodell för innovativt och starkt totalförsvar Kungl Krigsvetenskapsakademiens Handlingar och Tidskrift, 70-74. More information
Axelson, M., Netz, J., Sandström, C. (2017). Collective action problems in public sector innovation: A business model perspective Creativity and Innovation Management, 26(4), 370-378. More information


Netz, J. (2013). Diffusa spänningar eller spännande tillväxt? Företagsledning i tider av snabb förändring (Doctoral thesis, Västerås: Mälardalen University). More information


Börjesson, S., Netz, J., Lagergren, F. (2024). Innovating Executive Management in Self-Managed Organizations: A Radical Swedish Experience. In: R. Dekkers & L. Morel (Ed.), European perspectives on innovation management (pp. 67 -91). Cham: Springer More information
Havemose, K., Netz, J. (2023). Renässans i småländskt ledarskap – att digitalisera jordnära för konkurrenskraft. In: M. Forslund & M. Lundgren (Ed.), Ledarskap på småländska: Utmaningar och engagemang i brytningstid Växjö: Linnaeus University Press More information
Havemose, K., Netz, J. (2023). Nya självorganiserande former av ledarskapsutveckling i brytningstid. In: M. Forslund & M. Lundgren (Ed.), Ledarskap på småländska: Utmaningar och engagemang i brytningstid Växjö: Linnaeus University Press More information
Havemose, K., Karltun, J., Netz, J. (2022). MakerSquare. In: M. Forslund & L. Gustafsson (Ed.), Förnyelse på Småländska Växjö: Linnaeus University Press More information
Lundberg, A., Netz, J. (2015). Empty pockets: Time to change the game. In: Carolina Sandö, John Rydqvist & Richard Langlais (Ed.), Strategic Outlook 6 (pp. 53 -58). Stockholm: FOI Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut More information
Netz, J., Iveroth, E. (2011). Strategic renewal overlap: Do practices matter?. In: J. Netz, M. Ek Lopes, E. Brundin, M. Nordqvist & L. Melin (Ed.), In Search of Practice. JIBS Research Report Series No. 2011-1. (pp. 99 -126). Jönköping: Jönköping University Press More information
Netz, J., Iveroth, E. (2011). A value constellation perspective on strategic renewal. In: E. Segelod, K. Berglund, E. Bjurström, E. Dahlquist, L. Hallén, K. Isaksson & U. Johanson (Ed.), Studies in Industrial Renewal: Coping with changing contexts (pp. 31 -46). Eskilstuna: Mälardalen University More information


Netz, J., Demir, R. (2023). Capability evolution of resource cognizing: Evidence from Höganäs industry since 1571. Strategic Management Society’s 43rd Annual Conference, September 30 - October 3, 2023, Toronto, Canada. More information
Netz, J., Reinmoeller, P., Axelson, M. (2023). Between peace and war: Tradeoffs in strategizing openness to mitigate crises. Strategic Management Society’s 43rd Annual Conference, September 30 - October 3, 2023, Toronto, Canada. More information
Netz, J., Havemose, K., Keller, C., Josefsson, J., Löwstedt, J., Rabnor, A. (2023). Digital innovation and customer orientation: Making sense of transformational performance gaps in hybrid digital business. 24th International CINet Conference, 17-19 September 2023, Linz, Austria. More information
Elmquist, M., Netz, J. (2023). Exploring the prerequisites for business model innovation in the Swedish food sector. 24th International CINet Conference, 17-19 September 2023, Linz, Austria. More information
Netz, J., Reinmoeller, P., Jansen, R. (2023). When crises reveal voids in emergency response systems: A process study of emerging cross-sector partnerships. 39th EGOS Colloquium, 6-8 July, Cagliari, Italy. More information
Netz, J., Stendahl, E. (2023). Developing meta-orchestration through breakdowns: Evidence from a firefighting innovation network. 39th EGOS Colloquium, 6-8 July, Cagliari, Italy. More information
Netz, J., Havemose, K., Josefsson, J., Löwstedt, J. (2023). Between bright and dark sides of digital transformation: Unowned strategizing in the Church. 14th International Symposium on Process Organization Studies, 18-21 June 2023, Chania, Greece. More information
Netz, J., Reinmoeller, P. (2023). When Incumbents Lead Technological Transitions: Stretching Strategic Leadership Over Time at ABB. 14th International Symposium on Process Organization Studies, 18-21 June 2023, Chania, Greece. More information
Netz, J., Reinmoeller, P. (2023). Where Do Rigidities Come From? Capability Reconfiguration as Social Accomplishment. 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 4-8 aug 2023, Boston, USA. More information
Netz, J., Reinmoeller, P. (2022). Rethinking Capability Reconfiguration: A Selznickian Approach. 13th International Symposium on Process Organization Studies, 25-28 June 2022, Rhodes, Greece. More information
Netz, J., Reinmoeller, P. (2022). Self-Disruptive Incumbents: The Role of Strategizing History from the Middle. 42nd Strategic Management Society’s Conference, 17-20 September, London, UK. More information
Meijer, R., Elmquist, M., Netz, J. (2022). Beyond Collaboration in Business Model Innovation: A Radical Farmer Case. 22nd International CINet Conference, 12-13 September, Pisa, Italy. More information
Netz, J., Jansen, R., Reinmoeller, P., Axelson, M. (2022). Institutional Voids and Entrepreneurial Responses to a Societal Crisis. 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 5-9 August, Seattle, Washington, USA. More information
Netz, J. (2022). Intended Revolution with Unintended Evolution: The Case of Proactive Self-Disruption. 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 5-9 August 2022, Seattle, Washington, USA. More information
Netz, J., Reinmoeller, P. (2022). Overcoming Social Breakdowns in Capability Reconfiguration. 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 5-9 August 2022, Seattle, Washington, USA. More information
Netz, J., Öhlin, S., Löwstedt, J. (2021). Negotiating Paradoxes: How Firefighters Employment and Entrepreneurship Preserve Life. 37th EGOS Colloquium, 8-10 July, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. More information
Netz, J., Axelson, M. (2021). Championing Strategic Planning as Dynamic Capability: The Case of a Greyzone Response. 12th International Symposium on Process Organization Studies, 1-4 September, Online. More information
Netz, J., Axelson, M. (2021). Crisis-driven Innovation by Established Firms: A Sensitization Process of Innovating New Products. 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 29 July-4 August, A Virtual Experience. More information
Netz, J., Havemose, K. (2021). Resilient Leadership Development in the Wake of Upheaval: The Role of Social Capital. 12th International Symposium on Process Organization Studies, 1-4 September, Online. More information
Netz, J., Reinmoeller, P., Jansen, R., Axelson, M., Guettel, W. (2021). Transforming Institutional Voids into Societal Resilience: The Case of Sweden’s Entrepreneurial Response to COVID-19. 41st SMS Annual Conference, 18-21 September, Virtual Toronto, Canada. More information
Netz, J., Axelsson, M., Siva, V., Jafari, H., Jensen, L., Eslami, M. (2021). Sustainability Trade-offs in Business Model Innovation. 21th International CINet Conference, 13-15 September, Gothenburg, Sweden, Online. More information
Netz, J., Reinmoeller, P. (2020). When Reconfiguring Core Capabilities, Attend to Sociotechnical Resource Logics: Learning from the Failure of Technology Incumbents. 40th SMS Annual Conference, October 24-27, London, UK (Virtual). More information
Netz, J., Öhlin, S., Löwstedt, J. (2020). Paradoxical Learning: A Process Study of Firefighting Innovations. 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 7-11 August, 2020, Vancouver, Canada. More information
Netz, J., Reinmoeller, P. (2020). Reinventing Dominance: Temporal Work in Processes of an Incumbent’s Self-Disruption. 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 7-11 August, 2020, Vancouver, Canada. More information
Netz, J., Schriber, S. (2019). A Critical Approach to Managerial Prescriptions in Strategy Scholarship. SMS 39th Annual Conference, October 19-22, 2019, Minneapolis, USA. More information
Netz, J. (2019). Becoming a Different Defense Agency: Dynamic Capabilities as a Planning Process. SMS 39th Annual Conference, October 19-22, 2019, Minneapolis, USA. More information
Netz, J. (2019). Corporate Spearhead Development as a Source of Transformative Capabilities: Evidence from Saab Group. 79th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, 9-13 August 2019, Boston, MA, USA. More information
Netz, J., Reinmoeller, P. (2019). Reframing Capability Reconfigurations: The Failure of Technology Incumbents Revisited. 79th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, 9-13 August 2019, Boston, MA, USA. More information
Netz, J. (2019). Incumbents Self-disruption: Temporal Shaping in Continued Market Leadership. 35th EGOS Colloquium, July 4-6, 2019, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. More information
Öhlin, S., Netz, J., Löwstedt, J. (2019). Committing in the Entrepreneurial Process: A Field Study of Inventions for Saving Lives. 11th International Process Symposium Organising in the Digital Age: Understanding the Dynamics of Work, Innovation, and Collective Action, 19-22 June 2019, Chania, Crete. More information
Netz, J. (2019). Dynamic Planning for Reorienting the Organization: Intention, Tension, and Interaction. 11th International Process Symposium Organising in the Digital Age: Understanding the Dynamics of Work, Innovation, and Collective Action, 19-22 June 2019, Chania, Crete. More information
Netz, J., Reinmoeller, P. (2018). From Core Rigidities to Core Paradoxes: A Meta-Configuration Perspective on Technology Incumbents Renewal. SMS Special Conference, December 15-18, 2018, Hyderabad, India. More information
Netz, J. (2018). Enacting Value Systems: Exploring Strategy as Process in Societal Adversity. 38th SMS Annual Conference, September 22-25, 2018, Paris, France. More information
Netz, J., Axelson, M. (2018). Why Not Innovate Our Way? Public Sector Innovation and Breakdowns in Dynamic Capabilities Across Boundaries. 19th International CINet Conference, September 9-11, 2018, Dublin, Ireland. More information
Netz, J. (2018). Strategic Planning in Reorientation of Public Agencies: A Learning Process of Identity Dynamics. 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 10-13 August, 2018, Chicago, Illinois, USA. More information
Netz, J., Eberl, M. (2018). Toward Higher Levels: Managing Tensions over Entrepreneurial Fitness in a Radical Context of Corporate Transformation. 10th International Symposia PROS, June 20-23, Halkidiki, Greece. More information
Netz, J., Axelson, M. (2018). Toward a Processual Bureaucracy for Adversity? A Grounded Model of Value System Enactment. 7th Latin America and European Meeting on Organizations Studies (LAEMOS 2018), Buenos Aires, Argentina March 21–24, 2018. More information
Netz, J., Svensson, M., Brundin, E. (2017). Strategizing affective reactions in organizational crisis: A practices-in-use perspective. Paper presented at the Strategic Management Society’s 37th Annual Conference, October 28-31, 2017, Houston, USA. More information
Netz, J., Axelson, M. (2017). Toward a Processual Bureaucratic Form: Insights from Defense Capability Development. 18th International CINet Conference, 9-12 September 2017, Potsdam, Germany. More information
Netz, J., Schriber, S. (2017). Teaching Prescriptive Domains: A Source for Learning from Rigorous Strategy Research. Southern Management Association Annual Conference, October 24-28, 2017, St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA. More information
Netz, J. (2017). Social Switch: A Processual View on Strategic Renewal. 10th SKM Symposium, September 28-29, 2017, Berlin, Germany. More information
Netz, J., Schriber, S. (2017). Producing Prescriptive Knowledge in Management Research: A New Perspective on Tribalism. 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, August 4-8, 2017, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. More information
Netz, J., Ginsberg, A. (2017). How Relationships between Corporate Parents and Business Units Build Redeployment Capabilities: The Role of Conflict-Based Learning. 33rd EGOS Colloquium, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 6-8, 2017. More information
Netz, J. (2017). Resuming History: Sustaining Market Leadership by Architectural Innovation. PROS 2017, 9th International Process Symposium, June 22-24, Kos, Greece. More information
Netz, J., Eberl, M. (2017). Resource Management for Entrepreneurial Fitness: A Grounded Process Model. SMS Special Conference, June 2-4, 2017, Banff, Canada. More information
Netz, J. (2016). Unowned control: Disorder with design in the defence. 32nd EGOS Colloquium, July 7-9, 2016, Naples, Italy. More information
Netz, J., Ginsberg, A. (2016). Overcoming Failed Parental Interventions in the Multi-Business Firm: The Role of Conflict-Based Learning. 16th EURAM Conference, June 1-4, 2016, Paris, France. More information
Netz, J., Ginsberg, A. (2016). Overcoming Failed Parental Interventions in the Multi-Business Firm: The Role of Conflict-Based Learning. 8th International Symposium on Process Organization Studies, 16-18 June, 2016, Corfu, Greece. More information
Schriber, S., Netz, J. (2016). Rethinking Prescriptions?  Review of Managerial Takeaways From Dynamic Capabilities Research. 76th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, 5-9 August 2016, Anaheim, California, USA. More information
Ginsberg, A., Netz, J. (2016). Capability Assembly from Routines: Learning Mechanisms in Turbulent Contexts. 36th SMS Annual Conference, September 17-20, 2016, Berlin, Germany. More information
Netz, J., Svensson, M., Brundin, E. (2015). Adaptive strategizing: The role of affective expressions for effective crisis management. 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, SAP Division’s session “Strategy at the Frontline”. Vancouver, August 7-11. More information
Netz, J., Ginsberg, A. (2015). The Role of Learning Mechanisms in Changing Routines into Capabilities: A Multi-Level Process Study of Strategic Renewal. 15th European Academy of Management conference (EURAM), 17-20 June, 2015, Warsaw, Poland. More information
Netz, J., Schriber, S. (2015). Tribal Warfare without Winners: Lessons from Producing Prescriptive Knowledge in Strategy Research. 15th European Academy of Management conference (EURAM), 17-20 June, 2015, Warsaw, Poland. More information
Netz, J. (2015). Reframing Strategic Renewal: Enacting Process-Advantages in Paradoxical Contexts. 7th International Symposium on Process Organization Studies, 24-27 June 2015, Kos, Greece. More information
Netz, J. (2015). Lost Purpose: A Field Study of Individuals Becoming Hybrid Characters in a Market Army. 7th International Symposium on Process Organization Studies, 24-27 June 2015, Kos, Greece. More information
Ginsberg, A., Netz, J. (2015). Corporate Strategy Upside Down: The Paradoxical Effects of Capability Co-evolution in Strategic Renewal. 31st EGOS Colloquium: Organizations and the Examined Life: Reason, Reflexivity and Responsibility, Athens, July 2–4, 2015. More information
Schriber, S., Netz, J. (2015). Managerial Takeaways from Two Decades of Dynamic Capabilities Research. 31st EGOS Colloquium: Organizations and the Examined Life: Reason, Reflexivity and Responsibility, Athens, July 2–4, 2015. More information
Altmann, P., Netz, J. (2015). Towards an explanation of resource cognition in strategic renewal: A multi-level process study of Höganäs 1571-2001. 23rd Nordic Academy of Management Conference, 12-14 August 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark. More information
Altmann, P., Netz, J. (2015). Towards an explanation of resource cognition in strategic renewal: A multi-level process study of Höganäs 1571-2001. 9th SKM Symposium, 21-22 September 2015, Bochum, Germany. More information
Netz, J. (2015). Shaping the Environment while Breaking with the Past: A Capability-Practice Perspective on Firms Growth. SMS 35th Annual International Conference, October 3-6, 2015, Denver, USA. More information
Netz, J., Axelson, M., Sandström, C. (2015). Innovation Challenges in the Public Sector – A Value Constellation Perspective. 16th International CINet Conference, 13-15 September 2015, Stockholm, Sweden. More information
Ginsberg, A., Netz, J. (2014). The Co-Evolution of Corporate Parent and Business Unit Capabilities: Examining the Micro-Foundations of Corporate Strategy. SMS Special Conference, June 13-15, 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark. More information
Ginsberg, A., Netz, J. (2014). Transforming Organizational Routines into Capabilities: Insights from a Process Study of Strategic Renewal. Sixth International Symposium on Process Organization Studies, 19-21 June 2014, Rhodes, Greece. More information
Netz, J., Svensson, J., Brundin, E. (2014). The Role of Affective Expressions in Crisis Management. 30th EGOS Colloquium, July 3–5, 2014, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. More information
Netz, J., Svensson, J., Brundin, E. (2014). The Role of Affective Expressions in Crisis Management. EIASM 9th Colloquium for Organizational Change and Development: The Future of Management, Essen, Germany, September 12-13, 2014. More information
Netz, J. (2013). Paradoxical contexts and capability reconfigurations: explaining change in stable patterns of strategic renewal. The Strategic Management Society’s 33rd Annual International Conference, 2013 Sep 28 - Oct 1, Atlanta, USA. More information
Netz, J., Eberl, M. (2013). Muddling through alliances to portfolios: Learning systemic responsibility for collaboration-capabilities. The 29th EGOS Colloquium, Montreal 2013. More information
Eberl, M., Netz, J. (2012). Learning to monitor collaboration-capabilities: How systematic monitoring developed at SAAB. The 28th EGOS Colloquium, Helsinki. More information
Netz, J., Einar, I. (2011). Understanding imperceptible practices in strategic renewal challenges. 11th European Academy of Management conference (EURAM), Tallinn, June 1-4, 2011. More information
Netz, J., Iveroth, E. (2011). Resolving turbulence in strategic renewal: a value constellation perspective. The 21st Nordic Academy of Management Conference, Stockholm. More information
Netz, J., Iveroth, E. (2011). Changeable Roles And Value Constellation. 11th European Academy of Management conference (EURAM), 1-4 June 2011, Tallinn. More information


Netz, J., Havemose, K. (2024). Kyrkans digitala transformation och gränsöverskridande strategiarbete vid samhällsutmaningar. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering More information
Netz, J., Axelsson, M. (2021). Näringslivsbaserad motståndskraft: Lärdomar från pandemin för det civila försvaret. Karlstad: Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB) More information
Netz, J., Axelsson, M., Öhlin, S. (2020). Innovationsdialog och nya testbäddar för hantering av samhällsutmaningar: Exemplet ERIA verklighetslabb. Karlstad: Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB) More information
Netz, J., Axelson, M. (2019). Innovationsmekanismer för svensk räddningstjänst: Pilotfasen 2016-2018. Stockholm: FOI Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut More information
Lång, E., Netz, J., Oxenstierna, S. (2019). Ökad försvarsproduktion: kritiska sektorer och tillväxtfaktorer i Försvarsmakten. Stockholm: FOI Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut More information
Axelson, M., Netz, J. (2018). Försvarets återkomst till Gotland - En modell för snabb förmågetillväxt. Stockholm: FOI Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut More information
Netz, J., Rossbach, N. (2016). Portföljhantering för nationella fördelar av internationella materielsamarbeten. Stockholm: FOI Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut More information
Netz, J., Schröder, K. (2015). Strategiska personalkostnader i föränderliga försvarskontexter. Stockholm: FOI Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut More information
Netz, J. (2015). Försvarsstyrning i förändring: prestationer, budgetar och ledarskapet. Stockholm: FOI Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut More information
Axelson, M., Netz, J. (2015). Innovationsmekanismer för samhällsskydd och beredskap. Stockholm: FOI Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut More information


(2011). In Search of Practice. More information