Registration is open from 15 March for the autumn semester, and from 15 September for the spring semester. For courses, registration closes at the end of April and at the end of October. You can register for seminars, workshops and coaching up to one week before the start of the activity.

style Type of education: Seminar series
event Start date: Multiple occasions
place Location: Jönköping


2024-02-27 13:00-16:00
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Creating and conducting examinations and assessments that reflect the objectives of the course and rest on a good pedagogical foundation is a starting point for these seminars.

The purpose of the seminars is to develop your ability as a teacher to link course content, goals, and examinations. The seminar series also aims to support you in choosing the right method and form of examination based on the circumstances and needs of your course.

The seminars will be given on three occasions that are interconnected and cumulative.

The first seminar focuses more on what the research situation looks like when it comes to examinations and course objectives. What theories and perspectives can be relevant to generate a constructive connection between examinations and course objectives where the student's learning is in focus?

The second seminar highlights what is being done today in different courses at JU. We focus on experiences and share experiences of successful as well as challenging examinations.

Finally, the third and final seminar focuses on the question of how I, as a teacher, can adopt and apply my new knowledge to my own course.

Horizontal aims for Educate activities

The horizontal aims are to empower and enable teachers to solve problems in pedagogical environments, promote and participate in peer learning and co-creation, and expand their pedagogical repertoire to facilitate lifelong learning.

Preparation materials and orientation, first seminar

Film Constructive alignment and learning outcomes (Phillip Dawson, Monash University) on:

Orientation regarding constructive alignment on:

Power Point presentation from the first seminar

Åsa Hirsh - Making sense of 21st century assessment in education Pdf, 1.8 MB, opens in new window.


Padlet from the third seminar


Padlet, Examination and assessment Pdf, 97.6 kB, opens in new window.

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  • Teacher English